Climate Change : The Cost of Reducing Global Population.

Since the last Great Depression of the 1930’s the world has witnessed advances in science, medicine, genetics, technology, education, nutrition, productivity, research and development; all of which have contributed to global prosperity; lifting billions of people out of poverty, extending life expectancy and improving the ‘standard of living’ for once poor and developing countries.

The consequence of this new found prosperity is that the world’s population has grown by an astounding 300% in the last 90 years, with further population growth expected to increase by 25% in the next 30 years to 9.9 billion by 2050. Many Scientists believe that 9 to 10 billion is the maximum carrying capacity of the planet.

It is expected that the continents most likely to experience this population explosion will be Africa and predominantly Asia; with Europe’s ageing population continuing to decline.

The question facing civilization is how long can the globe continue to sustain these rates of population growth, by simply continuing to rely on improved technology to develop the planets stressed and dwindling resources?

This overpopulation trend is causing great consternation at the center of Europe’s Global Financial Establishments, who recognize that a tectonic shift is required; a ‘great reset‘; to reverse the course and impact of population growth.

Sustainability is the excuse for their agenda, however the real reason is ‘power’. The Europeans plan to retain their influence, wealth and relevance, by not allowing future control of ‘Global GDP’ to shift back in favor of the New World and Asian economies; as was the case prior to the Industrial Revolution. The European Financial Elite understand that they cannot control global wealth and power, while the world’s economies are dependent on the top oil producing countries.

If oil production is eliminated, then the economies of USA, Saudi Arabia, Russia, China and Canada, who today account for 54% of world output, would be severely impeded. The extremist elite believe that ‘Degrowing Our Economy is A Necessary Climate Solution‘ which essentially advocates for global depopulation.

So, what is the global strategy of the ‘New World Order’ to reduce the planet’s population in the name of ‘Global Ecological Sustainability’? The ‘Building Back Better’ strategies will require severe and extreme authoritarian enforcement measures in the name of ‘climate change’ to purposely reduce global growth, by lowering international trade in ‘energy and resources’ and stalling all levels of production, including coal, oil & gas, (and therefore fertilizers), reducing crop yields; resulting in global shortages of cereals and protein; in fact the source of all nutrition/food produce.

Reduce the world’s food production and naturally, the globe’s population will decline. These harsh measures will have a massive impact on poorer countries, who will not be able to afford the escalating costs of essential commodities. The consequences of orchestrated ‘Food Inflation’ will be the biggest single ‘man-made’ survival issue the globe will contended with and it’s already started.

Highly leveraged economies will breakdown under the weight of their debt, as they will no longer be able to rely on ‘growth at any cost’ to preserve their Ponzi scheme economies. This means many western democratic governments will need to dramatically reduce expenditure and be forced to introduce levels of austerity never experienced before by the current generations.

There will be a concentration of powerful wealthy men, the white privileged, the European elites, from business, politics, academia and civil society, controlling these regressive strategies, the outcome of which will cause catastrophic social upheaval and devastation to the poor economies of the world.

Nations will be priced out of the New World Order and targeted for what looks like ethnocide. The only chance to avoid partial extinction, lies with those countries who have significant, influential and sophisticated military capabilities, who won’t be forced into participating in the self-destructive Fourth Industrial Revolution.

With global life expectancy 72 years, there exists a mismatch with the 30 year objectives of the Great Reset. So it is clear that the Organizations Dealing with Overpopulation Projects will need horrifying plans with harsh, cruel and inhumane consequences, requiring severe strategies to achieve their objectives. Be warned, the powerful survivalist will be completely desensitized by the obscene programs forced upon the oppressed and disenfranchised.

Nothing will stop the European Elite, such as the ‘World Economic Forum’ from rolling out their ‘Great Reset’, where you will be happy owning nothing as world economies degrowth towards ‘Net Zero Emissions by 2050’.

History will once again repeats itself! Remove the ability to have a cost-effective means to heat and nourish the population and you have a structured and purposeful plan, for what can only be called an orchestrated culling of the population. This will be caused by mass malnutrition, starvation and famine.

‘Net Zero Emissions by 2050’ sounds trendy to the Superclass, the apathetic wealthy, the political elite, socialists and all those who now stand to gain great wealth from government’s green subsidies. These ‘opportunistic environmentalists’ are currently forcefully leaning on weak world leaders to sign up to unachievable emission commitments; obligations that will impoverish their nations, well before they can be held accountable for their treachery.

The industrial complexes and global financial establishments are threatening harsh adverse ‘market forces’ against those who think they have no alternative, but to act against the best interests of the people they supposedly represent! It’s a shakedown!

This is the New World Order; the Great Reset; the Fourth Industrial Revolution; the Building Back Better; Extinction Rebellion agenda’s, that only Russia and China are unwilling to participate in; because they are smart enough not to agree to scuttle their economies.

Russia and China have experienced ‘cold and hunger’ first hand and with catastrophic consequences. They will not be in a hurry to participate in surrendering the gains and prosperity they have acquired during the 20/21st centuries.

The European ‘Green Politics’ has weakened the State and treacherously maneuvered the globe towards conflict. The Build Back Better, the Great Reset, the New World Order is upon us, the outcomes of which will be predictably apocalyptic. This is the theoretical end-game, however when faced with the actual reality of war, these non-egalitarian Justice Warrior’s and their ‘no borders’ extremists doctrine and non-violent ideology; will cower under the guise of ‘conscientious objectors‘, refusing to fight to defend their nations sovereignty.

13 October 2021

To be selfish, greedy and unwilling to help the needy gives rise to future starvation and clothlessness” Gautama Buddha.

Author: Gooriara

An old Australian bloke... sharing a few thoughts.

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